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Unreal Engine Blueprints

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As a junior developer, I’m diving deep into Unreal Engine 5, using Blueprints to bring my game ideas to life. I’ve got a passion for creating dope, interactive experiences by using the visual scripting tools Unreal offers. Whether it's crafting game mechanics, character moves, or dynamic environments, I get it done without heavy coding, making my workflow smooth and efficient. My passion for game development keeps me on my toes, always learning the latest tricks in Unreal Engine 5 and staying on top of the game in the interactive media scene.

Marine Prototype GamePlay

In this prototype video, I'm breaking down the creation of a top-down shooter game where a marine battles waves of alien attacks, all programmed using visual scripting blueprints in Unreal Engine. Visual scripting lets me craft the game’s mechanics without getting bogged down in code, making it easy to visualize and adjust the marine’s movement, alien AI, and intense firefights. By connecting nodes and tweaking parameters, I fine-tune every encounter and ensure the action is fast-paced and responsive. This method lets me quickly iterate and see the results in real-time, keeping the gameplay sharp and engaging. Watch as this urban warfare scenario comes to life, showcasing the slick, powerful capabilities of Unreal Engine's blueprint system.

Throughout my time in the game industry, I’ve gained Production, QA, and Programming experience on Unreal Engine 4.27, Unreal Engine 5, MetaHumans, and Fortnite. Some projects are locked down under NDAs and IP agreements, so I can’t show everything, but trust me, I’ve been in the mix.

Examples Of Blueprints 

Blueprint Features

Functionality You Will Love


In Unreal Engine 5, I designed a light switch that toggles on or off upon contact with a collision box. Utilizing visual scripting blueprints, I set up the switch to respond instantly to player interaction, ensuring a seamless transition between light states. When the player enters the collision box, the blueprint triggers the light to change, creating an interactive and dynamic environment. This setup not only enhances the game's realism but also showcases the power and flexibility of Unreal Engine 5's visual scripting capabilities.


Sparks and Explosion

In Unreal Engine 5, I designed a custom event for a platform that triggers sparks and explosions upon collision. Using visual scripting blueprints, I created a series of events that activate when the player interacts with the collision box. As soon as contact is made, the blueprint initiates a sequence where sparks fly and a dramatic explosion occurs, adding an engaging visual and auditory effect. This dynamic setup enhances the game's immersion and demonstrates the powerful capabilities of Unreal Engine 5's blueprint system, making the gameplay experience more interactive and thrilling.

Level Blueprint (explosion and Sparks).png
custom events Sparks and explosings.png
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